Poetry time!

I am you.

I ask that you hear and listen to what I’m trying to tell you.

I have no mouth, but our connection is strong. 

If only.


I am you.

When you wake at night, I’m right there.

Sometimes I wake you, other times, not.

I may have no mouth, but…

If only.


I am you.

As you sit in comfort, and listen to the never-ending drone of the world.

Sometimes I need you to help me, sometimes not.

I may have no mouth, but…

If only.


I am you. You are me. And we are us.

I thought of this short poem as I sat on the passenger seat of a car, which is a very rare occurrence! It occurred to me that the same way we are drivers of our vehicles, our bodies are our drivers. Both of these send signals when it’s time to review our practices. Perhaps your head hurts to signal that something is wrong with your system. Perhaps your joints hurt to tell you about your diet or posture. Perhaps you feel sleepy because your body is signaling a system shut down. Perhaps your cravings are telling you that there is an imbalance in your body. 

Let’s think outside of our physical selves. Perhaps the inertia in your life is signaling a need for change. Perhaps the unhappiness is signaling a need to re-evaluate your choices. On the flip side, perhaps happiness is a signal that you are on the right track. Perhaps your success is signaling that you are doing something right.

Let me keep it short and ask, do you listen for signals? Or you are too busy to even try? 

No acronyms this week. Just LISTEN.

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