A journey shared.

As I traipsed along the internet streets, looking for inspiration, I came across this gem. A simple story told, that captures so many moods and stages of our lives. Read on…

The pastry guardian

By Chilumo Mbwana 

I looked at the children closely, jealousy and envy filling my heart. Here were a group of 6 children running around playfully. So happy. So full of life. They shouted, cried, laughed all at the same time.

“You guys must be so glad you don’t have to worry about bills, career trajectory, relationships etc. If I were you, I would stay a child forever! Don’t ever grow up! You hear me? Don’t!”

I so badly wanted to share my nuggets of wisdom with them. But I didn’t. I observed from my corner and continued to wallow in my misery, wishing I could go back to being a child again.

To be a child again. The nostalgic journey to our childhood. The years of free thought and movement…not a care in the world! 

“Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.” –  Chili Davis. 

Is the child in you still awake? Do you enjoy letting loose and appreciating the simple things? Laughing loudly and freely? Finding pleasure in the little things like an excellent birthday party? Playing games? Cycling and doing some stunts? (perhaps the stunts depend on your physical fitness…no need for broken bones and whatnot!) Read on….

I was deep in the heart of Kasarani, an apartment by the name Dennah Flats. I don’t quite remember the house number, but here I was in a living room. The room was harboring 18 people, 6 of them adults. I was a guest. Perhaps the only guest not related to the host family. I sat in some corner, by my lonesomeness and awaited further instructions. 

Whether in the physical or psychological realm, the feeling of discomfort from unfamiliarity is all too common. I could list all possible situations…but let me stick to one. Walk with me….imagine you are the writer of the story, standing in a room with strangers…not sure what to do, whom to approach…not a familiar face in the room. How do you react? Hide behind the nearest pillar? Reach out to a friendly face? Make the great escape? …Imagine yourself in any new situation. How do you handle it? With excitement or trepidation? Or do you hide under the nearest comfortable rock? 

I clenched my violin tightly every time some children ran by me. I couldn’t afford an accident. No wait, I’m sure they couldn’t afford an accident happening!

Why did I come so early?

“Are you alright?”

“Yes, quite comfortable actually.”

“That’s good. Well, we are waiting for Baba Irene. Once he gets here, we will start.”

“That’s alright.”

“Irene! Irene! Come…”

A young lady in a princess dress, doll shoes and a tiara walked up to me.

“Say hi to Mr. Chilumo. He’s here to play you the happy birthday song.”


 “Have you taken your medicine Irene?”

She nodded her head.

“Okay, you can go and continue playing.”

“Kemunto! Kemunto, did you give Irene her shot?

 “Yes mama Irene!”

“Did you check her sugar level as well?”

“Yes Mama Irene, nothing to worry about!”


“Oh sorry Mr. Chilumo. Irene has type 1 diabetes so we are quite careful with her insulin shot and medication. Once baba Irene comes, we’ll start”

“No worries”

She walked away.

“Mr. Chilumo, he’s here. We’re ready to start”

I promptly got up and went outside. Had to make sure my strings were in tip-top shape and I was ready to spring into action. 

The writer stepped out to prep and took the extra step of ensuring that his tools were in excellent shape. Let me stop there for a minute….do you regularly sharpen your tools? 

“The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.” – Confucious

To be continued….

1 thought on “A journey shared.”

  1. The child in me learnt a new word today, traipsed! Basically me every Sunday when it’s all about me and my little boys. We get to be 3 children whole day, always feels great.


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