
Hello and happy new year!…I’ll keep this short…and hopefully sweet-ish.

Last year was a year of growth. Personal growth. Some of it was on purpose, while other times, it was a baptism of fire. However, to repeat the famous line, ‘what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger’…and I can truly say I developed some mental and psychological muscle from the year that was.

While we are still in the year that was, it popped in my mind how names and their meaning come about. Let me take you on a journey…!

I have a colleague whom we used to chat a lot with during the covid-19 lockdown. All news items had the word ‘quarantine’…and as humor would have it, we started calling each other ‘Quarantina’ to make light of the situation that was enough to drive anyone cuckoo. As you can imagine, the name stuck! (Cheers to you Quarantina!). And last year it was used quite a few times.

Recently, the word ‘procrastination’ has been heavy in my vocabulary. Do you see where I am going with this? Yes! The name derived from it is ‘Procrastina’. This time round, my colleague isn’t there to add humor to it. But such is providence, because being ‘Procrastina’, has no humor. We all know that procrastination doesn’t bear any fruit. It does not allow you to acquire any skills whatsoever. It is only a temporary comfort. Perhaps the only upside is that you save today’s unused energy for tomorrow…because, who knows? Let me try some poetry.

The land of tomorrow holds such promise.

It is the home of many dreams

It is the home of ‘will be’

…Tomorrow I will wake up early…

…Tomorrow I will finish reading the book I started last year…

…Tomorrow I will catch up with my long lost friend…

…Tomorrow I will start building my relationship with God…

…and my personal favorite!…Tomorrow I will practice for 2 hours…

I could keep going…perhaps tomorrow!

We all have the same 24 hours available to us. Some of us seem to have an extra 3 hours, perhaps because of all they are achieving. We lose so much when we procrastinate. But you are only aware of this at a time when there is no tomorrow.

Reach out to that friend…

Practice your craft daily…

Don’t put off things for tomorrow…

Get healthy today…



If you are ‘Procrastina’, please become ‘Promptina’.


3 thoughts on “Jina”

  1. Oh wow Quarantina. This is lovely. I miss you.. I am more than challenged now after reading this piece. I am a procrastina indeed. I hope this year will be different. All the best darling


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