Lines and then some.

Interesting how a single painted line on a road can keep so much from happening …

…how a reflective patch on the shoulder of the road can keep so much from happening …

I continue? …interesting how a box of 3 colours controls traffic!

When interacting with people, we often hear, “don’t cross the line”….or ….”that does it! You have crossed the line!” What line is this and do you know your own lines? As is on the road, the lines can be broken (to allow crossing with caution), or thick and unbroken (to act as a warning not to cross). Again I ask …are you aware of your own lines and those of others with whom you interact?

When interacting with people, we often hear “red flags” “signs” which when ignored, lead one to a cliff! To be fair, these signs are not always verbal, however, if you are keen, they come into your awareness.

This box of colours…do we have an internal one? Are some people or things on an endless red light? Are some people teetering on the orange light, not sure whether to stop or go? Are some people on the green light in your life?

These lines and colours are symbolic of the rules that we operate with in our lives. For them to have any significance, we have to be aware of them. Therein lies the daily challenge. Know yourself. Look in the mirror. Examine yourself…

Are you a vehicle that is barrelling down a road oblivious to reading the signs? Perhaps you missed the turn at the back…perhaps you need a U-turn…perhaps you need to stop and ask for directions…

I suppose I have superimposed!

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