
You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today – Abraham Lincoln


Tomorrow. A beautiful word. Holds such promise. 

Tomorrow. A magical land where all seems possible. A land full of quests. 

Tomorrow. A rich world. Fertile. Ready to grow anything that is planted. 


Tomorrow. A land of entrapment. A land of promises yet to be fulfilled.

Tomorrow. An abyss. A bottomless pit.

Tomorrow. An unknown.


I need to write that book – Perhaps I’ll start tomorrow.

I need to make some health goals – I’ll do it tomorrow.

I need to make time to read – I’ll make a schedule tomorrow.

I will need to call my friend to catch up on life – I’m busy today. Tomorrow is a perfect day.

I need to plan for a holiday – I’ll be freer tomorrow.

I continue? I’ll add it to tomorrow’s schedule…


My dear readers, I’m not talking about procrastination. I’ll do that tomorrow.


There lives a story about tomorrow. It will be written…tomorrow. (Muse with Nj)


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