
Onion. Wine. White forest cake. Music. Human beings. What do these have in common? Layers. 

Peel the onion. Taste the different notes of the wine (discover how sensitive your tongue is ..and how magnificent it is!). Listen to the music and watch it reveal different layers of moods and emotions. 

I have been mute for two weeks because of this. Layers. Poetry time!

When I peel an onion, I can only but cry,

The more I cut into its core, the louder the sniffs become.

Pray, tell, is this how it is to get into my core?


When I eat a cake, ‘the White forest’, I can only but cry,

The more I delve into its decadent layers, the wider the smiles become.

Pray, tell, is this how it is to taste a dream?


When I take a sip, wine. I can only but cry,

The more I sip and taste its layers, the looser the tongues become.

Pray, tell, is this how it is to taste an escape?


When I listen to music, I can only but cry,

The weaving of different melodies, punctuated with perfect harmonies, melodious dissonance.

Pray, tell, is how it is to taste heaven?

Every day, whether we like it or not, we encounter layers. Within ourselves and with others. Peeling back the layers can be as revealing as it can be daunting. Either way, I choose to look at it as growth. Because without it, there would be no layers to begin with. Let me give an example. How many times have you been frustrated because you can’t just seem to communicate with your friend? How many times have you questioned the ‘substance’ of your conversations with friends? There are people you can talk to all day every day for 3 months…and still not have exhausted their ‘layers’. How exciting!

I have kept it short this week. Purposely. 

Layers are a reflection of growth.

Layers line the pavement of an exciting path…to a great destination.

Embrace layers. Yours and others.


2 thoughts on “Layers.”

  1. Embracing other layers is a thin line to walk on. Could be an onion, could be a cake or could be beautiful music… The world has taught me to only embrace my own layers.


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