
This week I continue with the thread of the previous article. THE LIGHT. Read on.

There’s a wick within you that is waiting to become the light of your soul. When this inner flame burns brightly you will feel a magnificent awakening in your life“. (B. Keeney)

When you hear the term ‘wick’, what comes to your mind? To mine, I see a hope…a future…a purpose…an anticipation for light. Poetry time!

I am a light

Sometimes hidden, sometimes not.

Sometimes lit, sometimes not.

I am waiting

For you to strike a match to ignite me

For you to fan my flames to grow me.

I am in you

Waiting for you to find me

Waiting for you.

I am your light.

Waiting for just a spark

Waiting to burn.

I am your potential

Waiting for you to find me

Waiting for you to ignite me

Watching…and waiting…for you to strike that match.

…Find and ignite your light.


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